architetto marco secondo |
Piazza di Pellicceria, 2/3 - 16123 Genova
Phone 00 39 10 261696
fax 00 39 10 2516105
2002/2004: "Palazzo Gentile", inner and external restoration
of a Palazzo with 16th century frescos, historic centre, Genova,
Italy - view pic
1992/1995: "Residence La Pergola", 30 units, single houses
complex, Mele, Genova, Italy (with Arch. E. Rosselli) - view
1995: "Plomin F.G.D.
Plant", electric plant with 643 meters high chimney, Plomin, Croatia - view pic
1994: "13 Apartments in a Candle Factory", industrial
renovation, Cicagna, Genova, Italy
"Serra House", single house, Serra Riccò, Genova, Italy - view pic
"Zanello House", single house, Lerici, La Spezia, Italy
"Cuneo House", single house, Camogli, Genova, Italy - view pic
1989: "Pensile
Garden", private garages and garden, Genova, Italy - view pic
1986: “Apartments House”, 56 units, three buildings complex in
Boccadasse, Genova, Italy (with Arch. J. C. Laisnè) - view pic